Wednesday 17 August 2016

Sorely Affronted, I AM

In my last blog I talked (enlarged upon, later, from its original posting, as an afterthought; and setting up this comment) about Karma; how things in the Creation run on laws.   Which principle we humans reflect down into our dealings with one another.

A sore affront has taken place, with the deliberate violation of the U.S. Constitution, in regards to the very eligibility requirements for the office of the presidency of the nation, and consequently amounting as well to being the 'leader of the free world' - a prize possession.  Some devious people have attempted to undercut that Law, to further their dark enterprise, of establishing a totalitarian global Order, based on Force and Fear.  That should be a capital offense, such is its severity; amounting to no less than treason.

Let's see how this plays out, in The Drama in which we are embedded.

And which is coming to its


And Conclusion.  Meaning, concluding such things as how 'the universe' runs.

Also meaning how God will not be mocked.  For, it is

The Law.

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